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def get_pil_image(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image]) -> Image.Image

Loads an image from a file and returns a PIL Image object.


  • image_file str, or Image - The filename, URL, URI, or base64 string of the image file.


  • Image.Image - The PIL Image object.


def get_image_data(image_file: Union[str, Image.Image], use_b64=True) -> bytes

Loads an image and returns its data either as raw bytes or in base64-encoded format.

This function first loads an image from the specified file, URL, or base64 string using the get_pil_image function. It then saves this image in memory in PNG format and retrieves its binary content. Depending on the use_b64 flag, this binary content is either returned directly or as a base64-encoded string.


  • image_file str, or Image - The path to the image file, a URL to an image, or a base64-encoded string of the image.
  • use_b64 bool - If True, the function returns a base64-encoded string of the image data. If False, it returns the raw byte data of the image. Defaults to True.


  • bytes - The image data in raw bytes if use_b64 is False, or a base64-encoded string if use_b64 is True.


def llava_formatter(prompt: str,
order_image_tokens: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]

Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns the new prompt along with image locations.


  • prompt (str): The input string that may contain image tags like <img ...>.
  • order_image_tokens (bool, optional): Whether to order the image tokens with numbers. It will be useful for GPT-4V. Defaults to False.


  • Tuple[str, List[str]]: A tuple containing the formatted string and a list of images (loaded in b64 format).


def pil_to_data_uri(image: Image.Image) -> str

Converts a PIL Image object to a data URI.


  • image Image.Image - The PIL Image object.


  • str - The data URI string.


def gpt4v_formatter(prompt: str,
img_format: str = "uri") -> List[Union[str, dict]]

Formats the input prompt by replacing image tags and returns a list of text and images.


  • prompt (str): The input string that may contain image tags like <img ...>.
  • img_format (str): what image format should be used. One of "uri", "url", "pil".


  • List[Union[str, dict]]: A list of alternating text and image dictionary items.


def extract_img_paths(paragraph: str) -> list

Extract image paths (URLs or local paths) from a text paragraph.


  • paragraph str - The input text paragraph.


  • list - A list of extracted image paths.


def message_formatter_pil_to_b64(messages: List[Dict]) -> List[Dict]

Converts the PIL image URLs in the messages to base64 encoded data URIs.

This function iterates over a list of message dictionaries. For each message, if it contains a 'content' key with a list of items, it looks for items with an 'image_url' key. The function then converts the PIL image URL (pointed to by 'image_url') to a base64 encoded data URI.


  • messages List[Dict] - A list of message dictionaries. Each dictionary may contain a 'content' key with a list of items, some of which might be image URLs.


  • List[Dict] - A new list of message dictionaries with PIL image URLs in the 'image_url' key converted to base64 encoded data URIs.

    Example Input: [

  • {'content' - [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'You are a helpful AI assistant.'}], 'role': 'system'},

  • {'content' - [

  • {'type' - 'text', 'text': "What's the breed of this dog here? "},

  • {'type' - 'image_url', 'image_url': {'url': a PIL.Image.Image}},

  • {'type' - 'text', 'text': '.'}],

  • 'role' - 'user'} ]

    Example Output: [

  • {'content' - [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'You are a helpful AI assistant.'}], 'role': 'system'},

  • {'content' - [

  • {'type' - 'text', 'text': "What's the breed of this dog here? "},

  • {'type' - 'image_url', 'image_url': {'url': a B64 Image}},

  • {'type' - 'text', 'text': '.'}],

  • 'role' - 'user'} ]


def num_tokens_from_gpt_image(image_data: Union[str, Image.Image],
model: str = "gpt-4-vision",
low_quality: bool = False) -> int

Calculate the number of tokens required to process an image based on its dimensions after scaling for different GPT models. Supports "gpt-4-vision", "gpt-4o", and "gpt-4o-mini". This function scales the image so that its longest edge is at most 2048 pixels and its shortest edge is at most 768 pixels (for "gpt-4-vision"). It then calculates the number of 512x512 tiles needed to cover the scaled image and computes the total tokens based on the number of these tiles.



image_data : Union[str, Image.Image]: The image data which can either be a base64 encoded string, a URL, a file path, or a PIL Image object.

  • model - str: The model being used for image processing. Can be "gpt-4-vision", "gpt-4o", or "gpt-4o-mini".


  • int - The total number of tokens required for processing the image.


from PIL import Image img ='RGB', (2500, 2500), color = 'red') num_tokens_from_gpt_image(img, model="gpt-4-vision") 765